Greatwood & Horseclose is signed up to the Green Dog Walker Scheme and it aims to encourage all dog walkers to come in and sign the pledge and receive a free dog collar or lead.
Green Dog Walkers® is a non-confrontational,friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling.
- The Dog Fouling of Land Act 1996 fines range from £50-£1000
- 52% of UK households have a pet
- There are 7 million UK dog owners
Did you know that primary school children and footballers are most at risk from disease from dog fouling? After it has lain on the ground for two weeks, worms develop and these diseases and others can cause toxocara canis, roundworm, salmonella, E-coli, resulting in pneumonia, asthma and blindness.
However, it IS SAFE to clean it up “on the spot”.
Download our leaflet here: Green Dog Walker Leaflet